Privacy Policy

The personal data you provide on are processed by TrueCore BV. The processing of your personal data will be carried out in a manner that is by the applicable laws and regulations. By providing your personal data on the website, you grant TrueCore BV explicit and unambiguous permission to process this data.

Your data are collected and processed only for the following purposes:

  • Use and management of the website in general, including sending and receiving messages;

  • Providing information about the features, services, and products of TrueCore BV;

  • Providing information about orders and deliveries of TrueCore bv;

  • TrueCore BV only processes those personal data that are necessary for the aforementioned purposes.

Under personal data, we understand:

  • Company name

  • VAT number

  • Address details

  • Telephone number

  • Email address

  • Name

  • Interests

Transfer of personal data

The necessary personal data are passed on to our partners when needed to ensure smooth service. Your personal data will never be passed on to third parties for marketing purposes or other commercial actions.

Your rights

  • Right of access: If you want to modify your personal data, you can send an email with the desired changes to You can delete your personal data by sending an email to with the mention of the personal data to be deleted. However, deleting your data may result in you no longer being able to use (part of) our services.

  • Right to portability: If desired, we can provide your personal data in a .csv file. You can request these data at any time via At your request, we can deliver these data directly to a third party.

Viewing, correcting, deleting, or transferring personal data is a right. TrueCore BV will not ask for any compensation for this.

Click Behavior

General visit data is kept on the TrueCore BV website to optimize the website. Individual visits are also monitored, to improve our service to our customers.


The website uses (essential, functional, analytical, performance, and advertising) cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. Cookies are used for the performance or facilitation of a service requested by you. Most cookies only work for the duration of a single session or visit.

Do you prefer not to receive cookies?

You have the option to configure your browser so that it notifies you each time cookies are created or prevents their creation. However, if you refuse the use of cookies, we cannot ensure the proper functioning of the website and the sending of communications and the delivery of certain services.

Data Breach Notification Duty

TrueCore BV does everything to protect your personal data as well as possible. If a data breach occurs, whereby third parties would gain access to your personal data, it will be reported to the competent authorities and to the persons whose data have been leaked no later than 72 hours after the data breach.

Have you discovered a (possible) data breach? Report this to us as soon as possible via

Changes to the Privacy Statement

TrueCore BV reserves the right to modify this without notice by the applicable privacy rules.


If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us via